Baltimore Museum of Art Annual Report 2014

2014 Annual Report of The Baltimore Museum of Art

Warhol exhibit

Progress and Excellence

This has been a year of extraordinary progress toward fulfilling the BMA’s goals of providing our visitors with welcoming, engaging, and inspiring encounters with works of art. The dramatic renovation of the Dorothy McIlvain Scott American Wing, Merrick Historic Entrance, East Lobby and BMA Shop, and Zamoiski East Entrance continued apace. Heralded exhibitions such as Morris Louis Unveiled and German Expressionism: A Revolutionary Spirit attracted many visitors to view exquisite paintings, sculpture, and rarely shown works on paper. A dynamic program of contemporary art presented focus exhibitions of nationally and internationally acclaimed artists to Baltimore. Last but not least, On the Shore of the Seine, the Renoir painting that was stolen from the BMA in 1951 and attracted worldwide attention when it resurfaced in 2012, finally returned to the BMA after a quick and decisive court ruling.  It was reinstalled in a special exhibition highlighting the collection of one of the BMA’s most generous donors, Saidie A. May.

The BMA’s In a New Light Campaign raised $75 million in endowment, capital, immediate impact funds, and annual fund gifts and sponsorships. The largest philanthropic campaign in BMA history, this milestone was only achieved because of the incredible generosity of so many committed donors, both public and private, who recognize the important role the BMA plays in our community. We are enormously grateful for their extraordinary support. 

Fundraising for the renovation continues as we expanded the scope of the project to include new galleries for the Asian collection and a new learning and creativity center that will transform the way visitors interact with the Museum and the collection. We are looking forward to unveiling these projects in 2015.